1. How long have you been playing Yugioh? 3-4 years
2. How many accounts do you have? umm.. u dont want to know
3. If more then one would you please state all account names. O_O.. even i dont remember all the names lol
4. What is the name of your Main Account? if more then one please state all. Sythus, HivayatAli
5. What is the Current level of your main account? 24
6. Whats your Highest Win Streak In GS? umm.. i think 13
7. Whats your Highest Win Streak in Duelist Trial? dont remember.. 25 i think
8. Have you Belonged to Any Previous clans? yes
9. If so please name those clans. Royal Infernal Punishers (RIP)
10. If belonged to a Previous clan, why did you leave? (optional)
11. How did you find this clan? SilentRain told me cause his my nigga
12. If recommended, please state by who. SilentRain...
13. Why are you interested in this clan? who cares what my interests are..
14. Do you Think your Good enough to join this clan? better than most of ya'll
15. What is your favorite yugioh card? Ring of destruction
16. What is your favorite deck? umm.. Monarchs
17. What are your weaknesses in yugioh to you? (optional)
18. How often are you avalible to play online? all the time..
19. What Country are you from? USA
20. Are you Ready to give it all for your team? Duel your Heart out for your team! make it something worth fighting for! Duel my heart? what world u guys live in? this isnt the anime show lol xD